Giving Back

The CC Project

Thomas Construction Consulting is not only passionate about helping our clients plan their large scale construction projects. We are also very passionate about finding a cure for childhood cancer. We want to make a big difference in the fight against childhood cancer, and support those children who are battling cancer.

This cause is personal for the CEO, Thomas (Tom) Houck. Tom’s daughter, Sienna “CC” Houck, lost her courageous battle against leukemia on March 27, 2015 at the young age of 5. CC was a beautiful and bright young girl that loved the color yellow, butterflies, birds, her dog “BB”, music, drawing, making books, and her stuffed penguin she took everywhere (including to heaven) named Bitty Boy. She was a happy and loving girl that never complained and only saw the good in life.

Thomas Construction Consulting supports many causes that support children battling cancer, and science directed toward finding a cure. One cause they started in 2016 was the Sienna “CC” Houck Scholarship that pays for a child battling cancer or another serious illness to attend preschool each year at the same prestigious preschool CC attended, Holy Trinity Lutheran Preschool. They also support many charities and children’s hospitals such as The Kids of Childhood CancerSt. Jude Children’s Hospitalthe Leukemia & Lymphoma SocietyMake a Wish Foundation, and many local fundraisers that raise money for children battling cancer, and their families. Thomas Construction Consulting's goal is to completely eliminate childhood cancer, and other cancers, from this world.

Sienna "CC" Houck

Sienna "CC" Houck

Sienna "CC" Houck, whom the CC Project is named after, lost her courageous battle against leukemia in 2015

Sienna "CC" Houck, whom the CC Project is named after, lost her courageous battle against leukemia in 2015

Tom Houck, CEO of Thomas Construction Consulting, finishes a marathon to raise money against childhood cancer.

Thomas Houck, CEO of Thomas Construction Consulting, finishes a marathon to raise money against childhood cancer.

Team CC runs a marathon to raise funds to fight childhood cancer, supported by Thomas Construction Consulting

Team CC runs a marathon to raise funds to fight childhood cancer, supported by Thomas Construction Consulting

Thomas Construction Consulting CEO Tom Houck and his wife race in a marathon to raise money in the fight against childhood cancer

Thomas Construction Consulting CEO Thomas Houck races in a marathon to raise money in the fight against childhood cancer

Project CC team prepares to race in a marathon to raise money to fight childhood cancer.

Project CC team prepares to race in a marathon to raise money to fight childhood cancer.